Medically Supervised Weight Loss And Management
By Dr. Robert D. Willix Jr.
Call for a free consultation: 561-362-0724
Men and women are confronted with weight gain after the age of 35. Doesn’t that surprise you? Many of us have asked the question: why can’t I lose weight as easy as I used to when I was younger? Why is it so hard to lose weight no matter what I do? Or why is it when I finish a diet I gain all the weight back?
The answer is that there are many factors play a role in such questions. It is now well known that as we age there are changes within us that prevents us from achieving such goals; changes such as decrease of hormone activity as we age, change in our metabolism, decrease in physical activity, stress and also the way we eat.
Diets work with some weight loss for a short period of time only to gain most of the weight back on, even put on more weight than what you started with when you went into the diet. In fact it is also known that during these diets there is loss of fat but also muscle mass and as we regain the weight all the gain is just fat. At times we do not realize the stress we put on our bodies when we approach random diets that eventually will last a couple of weeks and then stop. More than a diet change you should think of it as a lifestyle change.
But this is beyond “just losing weight”, other important reasons why weight management is important to all of us is the prevention of development of diabetes which is a growing epidemic, stroke, heart disease, as well as family history of these previous mentioned condition it is essential to address them in order to obtain an optimum quality of life as we age. Here is why medically supervised weight loss and management is important. Another reason is that there is inflammatory process which is very harmful for the body.
Here at Enlightened Living Medicine we concentrate on those inflammatory factors that, not only contribute to weight gain, but contribute to all chronic medical conditions. Medical condition that not only we can help you prevent, but if these chronic conditions are already a part of your life we can help modify, potentially revert allowing you to enjoy a much improved quality of life.
Weight loss entails more than a change in diet; wouldn’t you like to take control of your weight, increase your energy, feel healthy and live an overall healthy lifestyle? This is what we, Enlightened Living Medicine, will do for you. Many programs will get you to lose weight but the medical supervision by qualified Medical Doctors is the difference maker at ELM.
Call for a free consultation: 561-362-0724